2️Mint & Check Transaction Status

Step 1. Click Mint

With the gas fee in your Klap Wallet, direct to the minting page, choose Polygon Chain and hit ‘Mint’.

Step 2. Activate Klap Wallet

Enter your Klap Wallet password to activate.

Step 3. Confirm Transaction

On the confirmation page, click ‘Mint’ again. You’ll receive a pop-up saying ‘Transaction Submitted’.

To check the transaction status, direct to your profile page from your avatar located on the top right corner of the page. In the “Klap Wallet” section, hit the “History” button.

You will be able to view the details of all your transaction history.

Step 4. Check Notif

When you see this notification, congrats, you have successfully minted the NFT!

Step 5. Check Your NFT

You can go to the “Explore” page to check your AI art NFT now.

NFTs minted with Klap Wallet will also be displayed in your Profile page.

Click on the NFT to see the basic info, and even transfer it to others!

Last updated