🎇Prompts & Style

Enter the Prompts

Similar to other cutting-edge AI art tools, ours lets you explore your artistic vision using both text prompts and image prompts.

Choose from a wide range of art styles, image ratios, and other options to customize your creations.


1. Prompts

Text Prompts:

Describe your subject as detailed as possible, including style, mood, keywords help! Keep it short, refine, and watch your masterpiece come alive!

Image Prompts:

Image prompts are a UGC game-changer. Remix classic styles, wild concepts, and well-known IPs to create amazing derivative art. The possibilities are endless!

*KlapAI will host regular AIGC events in the near future. You can use IP images provided in the campaign to create character designs, weapon skins, and more! Imagine: your art in the game, in-game rewards, airdrops, and even AI NFT revenue!

📌Uploading images under 1MB is recommended for faster AI generation.

2. Style

There are over 45 art styles for you to choose from to generate your unique AI artwork, more popular styles will be added in the future. If you have a specific artistic style in mind, feel free to share it on our Discord channel – we're always listening!

3. Chaos

The "chaos" setting in image generation acts like a creative nudge. Higher chaos values push the initial image grids towards the unexpected and unusual, resulting in more surprising and unique outputs.

Conversely, lower chaos settings keep the starting point more predictable, leading to consistent and reliable image generation. This allows you to fine-tune the level of creative freedom you give the AI, depending on whether you're looking for a spark of inspiration or a more controlled outcome.

3. Seed

If you want to create similar variations of your favorite artwork, simply use the seed number.Use the same seed number along with the original prompt, and you'll get similar final images! Seed Number can be found on the detail page of your artwork.

There are still a lot more waiting for you to explore. Feel free to try them out and create your unique AI artwork yourself!

Last updated