๐Ÿ’กWhat is $BMC?

$BMC is the utility token and the core resource powering the BitMetis ecosystem.

$BMC is the utility token and the core resource powering the BitMetis ecosystem.

Players can earn and spend $BMC in activities and events.

Basic Info:

Token: $BMC Contract address: 0xf1A48f49c78914Abf9FAB23781e92FA8E58bBE15 Blockchain: BSC Chain Max Supply: Unlimited

$BMC Utility

BMC holders can participate in BitMetis governance and obtain BitMetis utility and airdrops continuously

How to Obtain?

  • $BMC Participate in BitMetis Events

  • Participate in BitMetisโ€™ partners Events

  • Quests

Why is $BMC Unlimited?

BMC is a Utility token, and the source is user engagement in the platform, before the governance token Tokenomics is released, We will plan a reasonable exchange ratio and threshold based on existing BMC holdings to ensure the healthy operation of the dual currency system.

Last updated